Real Women- Real Postpartum Sex Experiences-1

Being a new mom is tough. Nothing prepares you enough for the real thing! From breastfeeding, to not being able to breastfeed, postpartum depression, the baby weight and the list goes on…

If more women will be open up, maybe we will all know that we’re not alone.

If you missed the post on 10 things no one tells you about postpartum sex, you should check it out here.

Today, I’m sharing Agartha’s  (not her real name) postpartum sex experience. 

It Started from Pregnancy… 

My first pregnancy experience was not a good one. I gained 25 Kg and had acne all over my face. I never had acne even as a teenager so this was hard for me to deal with.

As if this was not bad enough, the doctor asked that I stopped traveling when I was six months pregnant. Not being able to do anything “active” including traveling left me devastated. It felt like a part of me was missing.  

I was stuck at home, doing nothing but gaining kilos…

Then came the first surprise 

Although my baby was due in July I ended up delivering in May! Thankfully, labor and delivery was fast.

Postpartum recovery 

I was discharged from the hospital 24 hours after delivery. I had an episiotomy and was in pain! It felt like, the hospital had literally thrown me out. 

A week after being discharged from the hospital, we discovered our baby had jaundice! The hospital visits left me even more stressed!

All these made my postpartum recovery a little tough. My hubby would help out but he wasn’t around all the time.

My mom had come in few days later to help with the baby. She was super helpful physically but emotionally and mentally, her anxiety as a mom added to my anxiety as a new mom.

The real postpartum sex 

My pregnancy, postpartum recovery and the battle of having our baby recover etched horrible memories in my mind, I didn’t want to be touched. Even peeing postpartum was painful, so sex? I wasn’t ready for that!

My husband was so patient. I had him wait- five months ladies, five months without sex!

Did you say eeeei?  Me too!

Finally after five months, I gathered the courage to try!

I cringed the whole time. After that experience we just laughed it off and waited another 4 weeks when I was perfectly healed to try again.

sex after baby

I was in for a real surprise: sex wasn’t the same. I was puzzled: “what happened to my body”?

After speaking to the doctor, we went with his advice- to be patient!

It was only after seven months, seven months after the delivery of our baby girl before I started enjoying sex again! 

I had vowed never to get pregnant again after the birth of our baby girl because of all the trauma.  But guess what?

I got pregnant again!

my postpartum sex story

Sex After Second Baby

But I have to say after the second baby, sex became way more interesting !!!
We waited the usual 6 weeks and we were back at it again ??. 

postpartum sex experience

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