19 weird but sure early pregnancy signs and symptoms

Early Pregnancy Signs

Before you confirm whether or not you are pregnant, there are subtle early pregnancy signs that give you clues.

Some early pregnancy signs may have similarities with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). But it is possible to tell them apart. It is possible to know you are pregnant even before you pee on a stick! Yes, it is!

One could be pregnant without even knowing it! Because it’s so easy to overlook these early pregnancy signs and symptoms.

I have read stories about erroneously aborted pregnancies because drugs that aren’t safe in pregnancy were taken. The reason being that, they didn’t know they were pregnant in the first place.

I read another heartbreaking story about a woman who had been trying to conceive for years only to have aborted the pregnancy unknowingly.
Don’t mistake that headache or that tummy upset for what it feels like and self medicate.

Is it time to pee on a stick or see a doctor?
Check out these signs first.

1. Tender breasts

Do your breasts feel tender? The nipple area may also get a little bigger and darker. This is because your body is preparing to produce breast milk.

If your breasts feel different, heavier or even a little painful, you could be pregnant.

Early pregnancy sign-tender breasts

2. Nausea

Do you have a strong urge to throw up even after a meal you totally enjoyed or do you feel like throwing up early in the mornings?

Morning sickness does not necessarily occur in the mornings. It can happen at any time of the day.

It may be triggered by a strong smell among other things.

3. Increased frequency of urination

No, it can’t be, I just peed 10 minutes ago!

Frequent urination in early pregnancy as a result of the expanding uterus putting pressure on your urinary bladder. This gives the need or urgency to empty the bladder. Although this does not happen in early pregnancy for some women, it eventually does in pregnancy.

Early pregnancy sign-frequent urination

4. Headaches

Sometimes, pregnancy gives you this unbearable headache. The pain may seem a bit on and off.

Your body goes through tons of changes when you are pregnant. For example, certain hormones are produced by the fetal membrane. These changes at the beginning of pregnancy may cause your head to throb.

Early pregnancy sign-headaches

5. Drowsiness

Did I mention your body is undergoing so many changes? It can make you drowsy especially when you get up too quickly from a lying or sitting position.

6. Bloating

You’re going to be feeling a bit “gaseous”. Oh, my dear husband suffered because there was gas everywhere, well literally.

7. Acne

Your skin can decide to break out and not give you the pregnancy glow. This is as a result of increased androgen hormones during pregnancy. Skin issues may pregnancy extend beyond just acne and could last throughout pregnancy or just the first trimester.

Acne- Early Pregnancy sign

9. Cramps

When you are pregnant, you will get period-like-cramps. These feel exactly like menstrual cramps but there will be no menstruation and even if there is, it is implantation bleeding, not your real period.

Implantation bleeding is when there is minimal bleeding because a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus.

10. Cravings and aversions

If you have started feeling like eating this and eating that so strongly, it could be because you are pregnant. Those cravings are not coming out of nowhere.

Food cravings in early pregnancy

Also, you can start to detest foods and snacks that are your favorite all of a sudden!  It’s the hormones.

I remember I stopped eating rice in any form during my second pregnancy because I could not stand the smell or taste of it.

11. Rise in body temperature

Basal temperature increases around the time of ovulation.

However, there is a decline in basal temperature just before menstruation begins. But when conception occurs, the temperature still remains high.

increase in basal temperature- early pregnancy symptom

12. Vivid dreams

If you have started having really weird dreams which you can remember vividly, it could be because you are pregnant.

vivid dreams-early pregnancy

13. A heightened sense of smell

Being pregnant may mean you may be able to smell things in a way nobody does. This includes yummy food and yucky stuff.

So do not be surprised when you get a funny look or a no when you ask: “Can you smell that”?

People may catch on but you’re way ahead of the pack.

14. Constipation

Blame constipation on the hormones! Progesterone which increases during pregnancy relaxes the digestive tract. This means food passes through the intestines more slowly than it would have. Source.

Digestion can be improved in early pregnancy and throughout pregnancy by eating fiber-rich foods, fruits and vegetables as well as drinking more water.

Drinking water in pregnancy can be hard, but point two of this post has some awesome tips.

15. Mixed emotions

Pregnancy will have you super emotional. Crying over nothing. Overly excited about something or even angry the next minute. You basically become a walking bag of emotions.

Early pregnancy sign- mixed emotions

16. Exhaustion coupled with sleepiness

Because your body is working hard to produce a baby, it’s plausible to feel so exhausted. Not only are you tired, but sleepy as well.

If you are a working woman, you may find yourself fighting sleep behind your desk or in a meeting.

If you lose the battle, you may embarrassingly be caught dosing.

tiredness in early pregnancy


17. Metallic taste

Another early pregnancy symptom is having a metallic taste that makes food taste funny in your mouth. This metallic taste which could be sour or bitter makes you go off your favorite food.

I love my tea with cream! Imagine my frustration when I found out that tea with cream suddenly tasted so awful in my mouth.

18. Feeling unwell

You may generally feel sick. This is often a combination of some of the signs mentioned earlier. For example, headache, loss of appetite, or feeling feverish.

The symptoms can mimic a febrile ailment. If you are from a malaria endemic area, it’s easy to mistaken this for malaria.

19. A missed period

This is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.  It’s easy to detect with a regular cycle. However, this can be unreliable because a late period may not necessarily mean one is pregnant. A number of factors like stress or certain medications can delay your period.

What if after experiencing some of these signs you still get a negative pregnancy test?

Pregnancy test

Well it could be that your BhCG (beta Human chorionic Gonadotropin ) levels are low. BhCG is a hormone produced by the fetal membranes and later by the placenta. It’s advisable you wait for up to 14 days after a missed period to use a home pregnancy test kit. When checking in the hospital with a serum or blood test, pregnancy can be detected as early as 5-7 days.

Good luck and congratulations if you are! Are there signs you experienced or are experiencing that’s not on the list?

Check out this video if you’d like to know about a false positive pregnancy test.

Don’t forget to share!

early pregnancy

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4 thoughts on “19 weird but sure early pregnancy signs and symptoms”

  1. I’m actually experiencing almost all the signs, I’m both excited and nervous and can’t wait to take the test

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